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ACLU's Biennial Leadership Conference kicks off in Atlanta!

Attorney Howlette attends conference as the Affiliate Equity Officer and a Board member of the ACLU of Maryland.

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June 7, 2024

The ACLU Biennial Leadership Conference in Atlanta, GA begins this weekend! This prestigious event brings together passionate advocates and legal experts from across the nation to collaborate and strategize on ways to protect civil liberties and advance justice. 

We're excited that Attorney Howlette will be attending the conference, where he will have an opportunity to exchange ideas and share insight with civil rights leaders from all walks of life. Attorney Howlette serves on the Board of Directors for the ACLU of Maryland and he leads the Equity Committee as the organization's Affiliate Equity Officer.

The civil rights advocates of today fly high on wings crafted by hands they never shook, and navigate paths illuminated by lights they never lit. As we continue the fight for social justice, legal equity, and societal inclusion, we must never forget those who sacrificied so much for many of us to thrive. 

- Attorney Jordan D. Howlette

#ACLUConference #LegalAdvocacy #ProtectingCivilLiberties #JusticeInAction

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