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Happy Juneteenth!

JD Howlette Law wishes everyone a safe and happy Juneteenth!

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June 19, 2023

On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, affirming that all enslaved individuals within the Confederate territories were, henceforth, forever free. However, this monumental proclamation did not immediately reach all sectors of the African American population in the United States.

Notably, it took until June 19, 1865—over two years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation—for enslaved individuals in Galveston, Texas to be informed of their freedom. This day, known as "Juneteenth," stands as a symbol of remembrance, introspection, and recognition of the African American community's resilience. It underscores our shared rights and freedoms as part of this remarkable nation.

Juneteenth also serves as an important reminder of the unfinished work that still exists to ensure the realization of rights and privileges for all citizens, as guaranteed under our Constitution.

#EqualityForAll #Equity #Juneteenth #JDHowletteLaw

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