Firm's Practice Areas
As a general practice firm, we handle a wide range of legal matters—from drafting simple business agreements to vigorously advocating on behalf of our clients in court. Our dedicated practice areas include federal litigation, tax controversy, business law, and general civil disputes. We also offer general counsel services for small business clients looking to incorporate legal strategy, review, and advice into their day-to-day operations. More information about the specific legal services we offer can be found below.

Initiating or defending a case in federal court is a daunting task. There are special rules, processes, and procedures that govern each stage of federal court litigation. If you’re looking for an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to represent your interests in federal court, then look no further. We provide both affirmative and defensive legal representation services for a variety of federal civil litigation matters. Click here to learn more.
A significant part of our federal litigation practice involves representing taxpayers in administrative disputes with the Internal Revenue Service or in tax litigation in federal and state courts. We also file suits against the United States on behalf of taxpayers to recover tax overpayments and to seek abatements of tax, interest, and penalty assessments. Click here to learn more.
From routine contract disputes to highly complex liability claims, our firm provides the zealous legal representation you expect and deserve. If you're looking for an experienced trial attorney to vigorously represent your interests in a civil dispute or disagreement, then you're in the right place. Click here to learn more.
We offer a wide variety of business law and consulting services, covering everything from entity formation and tax requirements to consulting on regulatory compliance and risk management. If you have a specific business concern that requires legal attention, contact us to speak with a knowledgeable attorney and learn how we can be of assistance.