One-for-One Pledge
Our commitment to the economy, society, and the environment
At JD Howlette Law, we believe in adhering to sustainable business practices while also doing our part to affirmatively address the negative environmental impacts caused by traditional legal service operations. To that end, we are thrilled to be a business partner with One Tree Planted and have adopted a One-for-One model under which a percentage of our client revenue goes to furthering reforestation efforts around the globe. So, not only do our clients receive exceptional legal services, but they also contribute to helping restore and repair the planet—one tree at a time.
The Problem
A recent survey of law firms found that the average attorney consumes between 20,000 and 100,000 sheets of paper each year. Assuming a 40-hour work week, that's approximately 10 to 50 sheets of paper printed per hour. Unfortunately, a significant amount of this paper cannot be recycled due to privacy reasons, resulting in a tremendous amount of environmental waste across the legal industry.
Our Solution
In an effort to do our part in countering some of the environmental waste caused by the legal industry, JD Howlette Law donates a percentage of client revenue to One Tree Planted each quarter to further reforestation efforts around the globe. We created this page to publicly track our progress each quarter and to highlight the specific areas where we are making a difference—one tree at a time.
Total Trees Planted = 5,075
Last Updated: January 27, 2024